The spark !!!

We the Homo Homo Sapiens  are never satisfied with what we have, when  studying we all were tempted by the life of working professional, that salary of own and all the fun of awaited weekend is all that we longed for, and equally now we yearn for some "ME Time"
While  working 9 to 7 everyday and  waiting for the weekend, slowly we realize that we are missing on something, initially the joy of Job change or new change keeps us occupied but certainly, may be delayed there is realization that we are missing on something.
That long awaited weekend seems to lose the meaning because we feel,there is no point sleeping and wasting it, and all thanks to the colored flavored drink. We start to actually think, what is that?  What is lacking? I have what I wanted but still this emptiness and boredom, should I start with an N.G.O? Studies? Start-Up? Side Job? 

Amidst all we think there were so many thing which fascinated us,then the realization that something is missing. We have always wanted to do something or the other but where is that zeal that spark to actually do, rather than just think. We then tend to sit and think there were so many plans, we decided on so many things to do, starting from Gym to that half drawn Sketch. That Half Novel, the charm for Guitar, it completely varies from individual to individual but certainly there are so many aspects where we have decided to do something  

How we have been involved in so much earlier and all we longed for was some time, independence and of course a kind of security, we have all that today but what is that- today in spite of available time we sit, sleep, have cups and cups of tea, no proper lunch or dinner and call it lazy Sunday morning having slept at 5 am after watching those Tele-seasons and back to back movie from our multi-storage hard disk.

All the places and lounges we have already seen, we even remember the table number, and there is nothing new to try, those group of friends are missing, with whom we could laugh like hell on actual non sense for hours, even a single look you exchange after that nonsense makes you laugh out loud “LOL”
In this entire scenario all we have is

“I believe that I am not responsible for the meaningfulness or meaninglessness of my life, but that I am responsible for what I do with the life I've got.” And I am waiting for things to fall in PLACE!!!

But the solution lies elsewhere 

In Making our own Miracles, not waiting for the miracles to happen; all they need is a spark of energy to become real.”
All we need is to know what sparks a light inside so that  in our own way we can do something with the life we have got.

Because When that light within begins to dim, we seriously need to fan the flame just enough to spark something!!


  1. an optimistic approach that was long awaited ... keep it up ..:)

  2. Because When that light within begins to dim, we seriously need to fan the flame just enough to spark something!!

    a thoughtful piece ! feeling too connected !! It's pretty much every one's story !

  3. This is a nice point brought up as it shows the condition (plight :P) of most of the professionals today. I would like to add one point that if we look up to the some of the successful persons around, the common trait was a belief they had in themselves and the passion for their respective goals which acted as a self motivating factor for them.

    So, even though we achieve a certain level of success in life or not (depends on an individual's parameter to weigh success), we should go for whatever we love to do for our entire life. In the worst scenario, at least we will have an idea what all things we don't want to do :p

    Keep Trying....Keep Exploring....Keep Living

  4. Very nicely written and forces every individual in today's professional life to think, do something creative. Instead of wasting time and money on lounges, pubs and so called SMART phones which are actually making you dumb and lousy.


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