Random Dark Thought!!!

Seems dark…no I am not talking about the night rather I am talking about the darkness lurking inside me.
I am pissed off, frustrated and little bored of what I have been doing.After doing the same thing past sometime  monotony do come, but for a student, he has to keep studying, toiling, so monotony is no surprise, but what is troubling is the idea, I feel monotonous and feel I need a change but then, when I am out trying to celebrate my break, I am tensed, tensed about my time being wasted, yes because I don’t have time left …have got lots to do and time is running fast but at the same time the problem still persist  i.e I NEED A CAHNGE/ BREAK .

My doors are not opening it seems I am stuck at a level in the game and am trying to reach another level but I am not able to, I really can’t change the game or leave the game or cheat…I don’t have even enough points to help with guess option, what do I do…and that’s the time I start to lose hope.

Life offers different shades and I m looking for some colour-full shade.It’s like the same situation when your cupboard is full of clothes and still you feel I don’t have anything to put on, similarly I have shades but I am looking for some bright and new shade in my life.
Because deep within we all ( may be some would accept and some would not,) but we all decide a place for our-self, where we want to see , the “ME”, placed , living , working and living life in actual senses.And this journey of self is till that place on the ladder, where the place we destined our-self and our dream collide.But still keeping the fingers crossed, because I have heard …The stars which are far in the sky looks good and pleasant but when you reach them, you can’t bear them, so fingers crossed, touch –wood and all the positive omen please be on my side when I reach the top of the ladder, because if I fail there, I won’t fall, I will jump.


  1. true....infact i'm in d same state.

  2. “The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight times.” ― Paulo Coelho, Alchemist

    Its always the fear of failure that makes things impossible.

    P.S : Amazing Write Up.

  3. Amazing, and so true. Everyone is in the same situation. There are 2 very important points that you've mentioned :
    1. we are stuck in a level
    2. far-off stars seem beautiful, but when we reach there we can't bear it.

    So, you see, you have the solution to your problem. It's simple. Sometimes while speeding up on the road, you need to apply breaks to avoid collisions, and sometimes you come to a stand still. That doesn't mean everything has ended, you can accelerate as soon as the road opens up again for you. Go ahead. wait for that chance with patience and perseverance.

    And no one is ever settled in the life. NEVER ever run after being settled. Ask from us ;) :P

  4. wenever i read anything rwitten by u...i feel like this is so true and real!!
    i wish you not only reach the zenith of success but hold on to it..no matter how loud or bright the star is..i know u'll be able to hold on because u are brighter!

  5. It might be a dark article, but hey your imagination & words are brighter than ever,plus there's a commendable blend of the images utilized :)


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