My Lil Fear of XXXL Food

I saw One  cute young girl trying to struggle with her XXXL burger..and then remembered actually even i struggle with such larger burgers and wonder every time how do people manage them and thats the reason i avoid burgers other than of Mc.donalds as they are in good size which fits my mouth at least J its better to avoid than to make me a clown with cheese spilling out n tomato running side ways.. L
Every time i go to a burger house i wonder what makes them come up with such large ones , i mean a small will do either , the same happens when i am suppose to have dosa at some stylish high funda restaurant ..i am never able to manage the potato stuffed inside and the cover together , when i am trying my hands on the cover of the dosa the potate  inside becomes messy and gets detached from the cover  n then how to manage the sambhar ..pchh it has to spill ..the yumy Dosa looses its relish and then all i feel is to move down the table throw away the forks and knife and have handfull of yummy dosa  as fast as i can n come up with my empty plate J
Sometime the hands are the best knife and spoon when you really want to relish the food of your interest and then the best thing to do is ignore the peole around, they are the one i suppose where born with a knife and fork in there hand to even manage theire share of cerelac and lactogen with that :P but i was not, so lemme enjoy my food my way n please dont give me that weirdo looks  because i am happy the way i am J
AND this is what i tell i myself every time i am in some situation like this to avoid that lil shame and awkwardness ..Because thats me n my lil fear why make it public  !!!!!!!!


  1. Each & every word is a truth, man really satya-vachan :-)

  2. its d fantasy...more than the taste and comfort at eating.
    i njoy large size of the burgur and dosa along with the cutlery.

  3. kumar siddharth3 July 2012 at 10:32

    awesome... tum to mere type ho... i mean hum tumhare type hai :P:P

    this is the ultimate fear that restricts me from going to any high funda restaurant. i prefer eating at the corner dhaba... good observation and presentation.


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