Ferrari ki Sawari

After a long time a nice movei FERRAI KI SAWARI
Loved watching sharman joshi and the child artist,got emotional lost somewhere captivated me.
A Light hearted comedy...reality and the most important thing DREAM are the elements which keep u glued. FERRARI  is like the action hero...around whom the other characters revolve..the juuuuuuuuuuuuuum of the car  and you feel that, the crazy fan followers of sachin...and the mecca of cricket LORDS  everythning depicted so well, a small item number by Vidya balan not required but appreciated n facts about Bank loan, the genuinety of situations, the truth and the statement “ jo dekhega wahi to seekhega” actualy at times in the movie makes you feel  like saluting  the character.
Somewhere while watching the movie i so wanted to be a part of it..n wanted the real world to be so good and the good to happen to all those who are good.
At times movies like Ferrari Ki sawari are a good chnage from the boring ones like Housefull and others . The songs are so cute kinda esp “ MAARA RE”
Some where the films are still good and you love them and are not like Rowdy Rathore always.
To me this movie meant alot, dont know the exact reasons but i loved watching it. Every part every character from that Guard at the gate to the house keeper of SACHIN Tendulkar to the wedding planner( babu didi ), every one so real so true...wish some more movie like Stanley Ka Dabba , Ferrari ki sawari keep coming.
Because i too want to look at the brighter side of life as SHARMAN JOSHI asks us to J J


  1. lyked it ...... perfectly discribed.....:)

  2. An unbiased movie review in the recent critic in the making I must say...more will follow after i watch this one

  3. here is a mature review by a mature reviewer..

    1. thanx vachas :) happy to get your all's comment..keep commenting on the post ..datz what keeps me glued to my writings .

  4. i feel lyk bending down on my knees n give u a salute 4 a masterpiece dat u have given with ur writing.......

  5. aman kuch jyada hogaya...but still i respect ur feelings ..thanku sooo much :)

  6. Prabhat Samdarshi29 June 2012 at 10:14

    i don't need to c d movie, coz the description & depiction of movie's theme has been well inscribed & hence ur blog has carved a lot for what i wud have desired 2 know about the movie, in short hats-off 2 ur work !! Well Done !!

    1. thanx samdarshi :) but do watch the movie its awesome and you would love it :)

  7. Waah yaar...nice review ..keep it up...!!
    Yet to watch the movie...will watch it soon...!!

    1. Thank you sooooo much amit...ya sure do watch the movie !!!

  8. as i told u i have'nt watched the movie.however your description makes me feel tempted to watch the same.good job keep it up:))


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