
Moments break you, moments make you, but what is that creates the moment. It is me; it is you indeed it is we!! Moments are good, they are bad, In a moment there is a fear lurking inside, there is hope diminishing the dark light, an array of things lined, fear of rejection, fear of fall, a wish to grow and a stick to hold. Life is uncertain i have realised, bad luck and bad moments are a part of life, but what is that gives the inner life that bright light to shine in the dark!! In the moments of past, people have left and we are still stuck, things have changed and I m still caught, world is ruthless and selfish; I have realised, but what’s that, which still gives me a small smile, a blush?? It is you. It’s me...Yes the people around!! In those moments ; A word just asking how you are... or simply a good morning makes the day, A tea at bed side, Or A sweet message in the morning, One simple line don’t worry I am there, Or just a word you looking great ...