For you my sis !!

To my angel my best friend I just thought if you were not in my life it would have been an errand You are my cuppy cake, my sweet spoken jelly If you were not in my life it would have been an ally On your birthday I pray to the almighty, that my baby’s every wish come true, may god bless you and never in life you see any Grey or Blue. Love has many forms but your love for me and mine for you has a different charm. Your anger is something that I hate to handle, but deep within there is a feeling you are my private property so it’s only me who can handle. I love you the way you are, because when you are what you are I dun need another friend, family sister or any relations of any form, you are my world to me, and you mean the world to me!! Feeling of ever being apart from you kills me, because in every form I feel I am a – part of you and you are a-part of me!! Your birthday is the day that I will treasure for life, Thank you God for bringing her in my life; I ...