Waiting !!!

What is it like to wait? Wait can be numerous and in varied ways. One may be waiting for a life changing event, other can be for a person, and another could be for something which you know, would never come to you, but still you keep waiting. So waiting is something endless, one ends another starts but what if you have always kept waiting and things don’t turn up at all?? Or when you are waiting endlessly, without a hope for it, are you one dumb wasting your time and energy?? But are we really dumb and keep waiting seamlessly and uselessly. From where comes the thought WAIT?? The time doesn't stop, the heart doesn't stop, memoirs keep running, and that’s where the mind keeps waiting. In one normal life we wait for lots of thing, from waiting at railway station for the train or waiting for the flight OR the metro OR to just place an order at some KFC or C.C.D, We all wait. Wait can be to start afresh, to get some rewarding career or to get that long aw...